The 72nd  Annual

60th McGraw Reunion Cookbook

Available for Download

AS SOON as supplies run out !!

A limited number of our cookbooks remain,

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This is a great way to get kids interested in their family tree. The workbook is called "My Time Machine" and it is by Janet Havorka from her website "Zap The Grandma Gap."

This is used to show your family line: it goes from you, back to your parents, back to their parents and so forth. You can use additional sheets to go back as far as you wish.

Use this form to record your family traditions: do you always have a special meal on new years, do you open presents in a particular order on Christmas?  Use this form to document why.

Family History Forms 

Record your own family tree with these

Use this form to show family relationships including both biological and step-parents. This form can also be used for adoptive families.

This is used to record a family unit: Parents & Children. Use this for you and your children, or back up a generation and use it for your parents their children. 

Use this to tell about Grandpa's Fiddle, Mom's hand-written cookbook or the family bible. Where did it come from, how did you get it, who has it, are there any neat stories about it that should be preserved?

All of the downloads are in .pdf format and software like Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view the files. This is a common file format and you probably already have software on your computer to view them. If you do not, there is a safe, free download available from the Adobe web-site. Follow the directions on the Adobe site to download your free copy of Adobe Reader.

Blank Genealogy Forms